My Professional Links
Kirsten Gallery, 5320 Roosevelt Way, Seattle, WA, 98105, USA
Visit the Web-site of my agent in England, Stephen Jack [you may have to click on the "Contemporary Artists" Tab and then on the "Steven Thor Johanneson" Tab after going to this site]:
The Watercolor Society of Oregon:
The Miniature Painters, Sculptors & Gravers Society, Washington, D.C
The Miniature Art Society of Florida
My Brother Douglas is a wood carver, and learned his craft over many years within the Tradition and Workshop of a European Master. No tree-stump grizzly bears here, since we are talking about the true Art & Craft of Traditional Woodcarving. Think instead of fine carving for the Residential, Business or Ecclesiastical setting, either custom designed or for restoration. Over thirty years ago, I intended to add this arrow to my quiver, but one can only do so much in a single life, so I get my vicarious wood carving thrills through my Brother:
More Links to Follow.
Visit the Web-site of my agent in England, Stephen Jack [you may have to click on the "Contemporary Artists" Tab and then on the "Steven Thor Johanneson" Tab after going to this site]:
The Watercolor Society of Oregon:
The Miniature Painters, Sculptors & Gravers Society, Washington, D.C
The Miniature Art Society of Florida
My Brother Douglas is a wood carver, and learned his craft over many years within the Tradition and Workshop of a European Master. No tree-stump grizzly bears here, since we are talking about the true Art & Craft of Traditional Woodcarving. Think instead of fine carving for the Residential, Business or Ecclesiastical setting, either custom designed or for restoration. Over thirty years ago, I intended to add this arrow to my quiver, but one can only do so much in a single life, so I get my vicarious wood carving thrills through my Brother:
More Links to Follow.