"Sun Going Down over Sunset Bay"
Steven Thor Johanneson

Watercolour Landscapes of Oregon & the Pacific Northwest, the Seascapes of Cornwall & the Highlands of Scotland, Britain, and Minnesota's Lake Superior Shore & the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, further inland, all these are food for my brush, sometimes with Wildlife or close-ups of the 'small corners' of Nature, especially in my Watercolour Miniatures. The wilder parts of Nature in all these places have always been of special interest for my Art. Places like Bedruthan Steps, & Strangles Beach in Cornwall, and anywhere in the Arrowhead Region of Northern Minnesota, or the Northwest Highlands of Scotland, and now living in Oregon, after many, many years in Cornwall, I have new Wild Places to explore, mainly with Watercolour & Gouache, but also in Pastel, or Oil, and not forgetting the Graphite with Sepia Ink & Wash that fill my Sketchbooks; all to Inspire & Create my Art through Nature … Welcome to my Wilderness World.